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PSYCH-K® - The Next Giant Leap


Beliefs affect our moods, relationships, job performance, self-esteem, and even our health …


Limiting beliefs are usually the cause of self-sabotaging behaviours that trip us up and stop us moving forward into the lives we want to create.

It’s not just our conscious beliefs and intentions that cause problems – it’s subconscious beliefs about ourselves, or other people, or the way the world is, that cause old patterns to surface again.


The subconscious mind is over 95% of the mind and it’s where many of our beliefs are stored, below the level of conscious awareness.


Using PSYCH-K ®, you can release self-sabotaging beliefs quickly and easily, and live your life with more ease and joy


In PSYCH-K ®, the focus is on the positive future you’re moving towards, not on the painful past you’re ready to leave behind. In some therapies, there’s a lot of talking about negative past experiences and how it affected you, but research shows that constantly revisiting painful events keeps them alive and triggers the stress and distress again.

Until recently little has been know about how to reprogram the subconscious mind however a new range of techniques known as energy psychology have emerged. PSYCH-K is arguably the quickest and most effective approach. It is non-invasive, does not require long term sessions and results can be seen and felt very quickly.


PSYCH-K can be used to make changes in your life by removing unconscious blocks, self sabotaging behaviour and self limiting stories that stop you from:

* Having rich romantic and platonic relationships

* Having the job, career or business that you truely want

* Being financially abundant

* Feeling happy, calm, content and fulfilled

* Taking action and reaching your personal and professional goals

* Losing weight, building muscle or having a positive body image

* Quitting or cutting down your use of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs

* Managing your stress and anxiety levels

* Falling or staying asleep at night

* Facing your fears and overcoming your phobias

* Eating the right foods and the ceasing as soon you have had the optimal amount

* Communicating effectively and speaking up for yourself to get your needs met

* Dealing effectively with challenging emotions, events and situations

* Discovering and living in your true authenticity, highest and best possible self


PSYCH-K involves using a range of techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind. One of these techniques is called ‘Stress Transformation’ and it literally transforms the way your body reacts to stressful or traumatic events and memories.  The body often perceives things in our present or future reality as stressful because what it is perceiving is somewhat similar to something that happened in the past. 


A trauma that could have occurred as a young child and although the adult mind may not remember or have a strong memory of this experience the subconscious mind remembers and is doing its job to try and keep you safe.  After doing ‘Stress Transformation’ the body no longer perceives a memory (past) or event (future) as stressful and the flight or fight stress response is no longer triggered. This allows you remain calm, peaceful and non no longer being effected by the past and able to take action towards the future you truely desire.


The Science Behind PSYCH-K®


The following three research papers were published in peer-reviewed publications, based on QEEG/brain mapping research done by Jeffrey L. Fannin, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Cognitive Enhancement, in Glendale, AZ.  Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®, co-authored the papers with Dr. Fannin.


The research clearly demonstrates the value of what the authors call, the Whole-Brain State, and its role in the evolution of human consciousness.  The research shows that this bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern is created by using PSYCH-K®. Its benefits are enumerated in the research papers themselves.  The papers were published in three different publications, spanning three different disciplines, i.e., neuroscience, psychotherapy, and business.  The fact that the same research was accepted by such a diverse cross-section of publications is evidence of the widespread applications and implications of PSYCH-K®.



Published in CQ: CAPA Quarterly [Counseling and Psychotherapy Association of New South Wales, August 2012]

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Published in NeuroConnections [Neuroscience Newsletter, Fall 2011]

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Published in the International Journal of Management and Business [August 2012]

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Note: In this paper, the name PER-K® is used instead of PSYCH-K®.  PER-K® was the former name of the business version of PSYCH-K®.  The belief change processes of both PSYCH-K® and PER-K® are exactly the same, creating the same research outcomes.

“Since 2005 new studies have revealed the self empowerment offered by PSYCH-K® balances is more than just a subjective, anecdotal experience.
Research by neuroscientist Jeffrey L.Fannin,Ph.D., an expert in computerised brain mapping, shows that a PSYCH-K® balance produces an objective and radical change in brain EEG activity, leading to a balanced brain wave pattern referred to as the “whole brain state.”
This is a state of coherency in the brain marked by a bilateral, symmetrical brain wave pattern that allows for maximum communication and data flow between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Fannin reports that the PSYCH-K® belief modification process enhances our functionality by optimising belief systems and brain function.
(Fannin and Williams 2012)” 

- Biology of Belief. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.


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